Thursday, May 21, 2009

Good Foods For Health and Keeping the Weight Off

Here are five "good for you" foods that will fill you full of nutrients, fill you up (to help you lose weight easier and quicker), and provide plenty of antioxidant fighting power to help prevent disease -- even the simple common cold.

1. Papaya

An untapped treasure of nutrients. One-half of this exotic fruit provides almost as much potassium as a banana and more than 100% of the USRDA for vitamin C. It's also a good source of the cancer-fighting beta-carotene. Plus, papaya is also low in calories for its bulk and size. 1 papaya = only 58 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrates, and plenty of fiber (1 papaya has over 12% of your daily recommended allowance).

Papaya is also an excellent source of natural digestive enzymes. Giving your digestive system a little help with your 5-6 meals a day eating pattern is a smart thing to do. Folic acid is another strong point for papaya as it contains 15% of the USRDA.

2. Kiwi

The strange little fruit in the fuzzy brown wrapper imported from New Zealand proves that good things come in small packages. Each sweet and tangy kiwi fruit provides 100% of the USRDA for vitamin C and 12% of your daily fiber requirement. For a powerful antioxidant punch, kiwi fruit is right up there at the top of the list.

3. Essential Fats

The best sources of this "can't live without" nutrient are fish and plant sources (such as flax seed). Also, another great way to get it is to supplement with carefully pressed oils. The FLORA COMPANY makes the best ones; they invented the extraction process of getting oil from the seeds without using heat (heat destroys the beneficial effects of essential fats).

Finally, don't be scared of the word fat. This type of fat actually helps you lose fat. Salud!

4. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese has long been known as the "dieter's friend". And it deserves its reputation as the one food a dieter should never be without. It is one of the most bioavailable sources of protein available. There are few better protein sources for building muscle and helping you lose fat.

And it's in the "helping you lose fat" department where it shines. You see, almost all dairy foods contain a very powerful substance called CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). Numerous studies have revealed the powerful fat-inducing and muscle building effects of this compound.

However, with the push for lower fat foods over the past couple of decades, including low-fat dairy, the amount of CLA we get today pales in comparison to what we used to receive. You see, CLA is found in high concentrations in the fat of dairy products. And with the push to lower our overall fat intake we inadvertently are also lowering our CLA intake as well.

This is not insignificant, as the studies on CLA have shown it is a very powerful fat loss stimulator. Animals and human subjects supplementing with CLA have shown over a 60%+ decrease in body fat.

This is one of the reasons I recommend full-fat, not low-fat, cottage cheese. The fat in the cottage cheese contains high amounts of the CLA that will help you lose body fat and gain lean muscle (another beneficial effect the studies discovered).

If your overall diet is derived from mostly natural foods that contain little fat then eating full-fat cottage cheese will still place you far below the amounts typically eaten by most people. Plus, the fat it does contain promotes fat loss.

Finally, the protein found in cottage cheese contains 2 important muscle-building properties.

First, it contains high amounts of Glutamine, which is the most abundant amino acid in your body. It is extremely important to make sure you get enough glutamine in your diet because of the high demand for it by your body. If not supplied by your diet your body will pull it from other areas in your body high in glutamine. And this is practically any muscle group in your body. This can potentially compromise the lean muscle you're trying desperately hard to increase.

Finally, cottage cheese is composed of effective combinations of whey and casein protein. Whey is a fast acting protein that, when eaten, gets into your bloodstream very quickly. Casein is a much slower, timed-release type of protein. It's important to get both of these as they each have unique benefits that will help build muscle quicker and more effectively than most any other natural protein source.

5. Protein Powders

Protein powders are probably the food product most responsible for building better bodies than any other supplement in the world. And I say this with conviction. From numerous studies and real-world experience, an increased protein intake ALWAYS leads to greater muscularity and increased lean muscle mass, especially for those that were not supplementing with protein powder supplements before. The effect, in most cases, is very dramatic.

Increasing one's protein intake is a very reliable way to increase lean muscle accretion on your body. Most people don't take this serious enough. They think, "I get plenty of protein from the foods I eat."

Nothing could be further from the truth. In order to put serious amounts of lean muscle on your body you have to supplement with much more protein than the USRDA recommends (and even women want to build as much lean muscle tissue as they can - more muscle helps burn more fat).

Of course it's assumed you're also employing a serious weight-training program as well. Extra protein all by itself will do very little to build more muscle tissue. You have to create the demand in the weight room in order to use the extra protein to rebuild your muscles.

Even if you've been taking in 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight in the past, once you up your protein intake into the neighborhood of 1 to 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight, you should see immediate results.

Your muscles will feel fuller and harder, and you should also feel leaner. A higher protein intake (as long as carbohydrates are kept in check) almost always leads to increased muscularity and reduced body fat.

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Organic Meats are Healthy to Eat

The organic meat is made in accordance with definite production standards. Nowadays the use of non-organic insecticides, herbicides and pesticides is largely restricted. The production of organic food is becoming greatly a regulated industry. The processed organic contains only organic ingredients. People believe that organic meat is free from all the chemicals and is vital to good health. Organic meats are birthed also organically. The feed that is fed to the animals should be organic like the hay, grains and even pastures. Its approved by the naturopathic physicians that the organic meat is always better than the commercially available meat.

An organic meat is very cautiously scrutinized and it is also tested for the purpose of food safety. Animals which are organically grown are naturally healthy and do not get sick very often. The nutrient content in organic food is more than that in commercially produced meat like selenium which protects against heart diseases and also cancer is 390% more in organic meat.

Calcium along with Boron is around 63% more in organic food. Lithium which prevents depression is 188% more in organic meat. Organic meat also tastes better. When you are buying an organic meat you are not only assured that you are buying a meat which is practically free from residues but you are also getting the meat of an animal which was robust throughout its existence. Organic meats are grass-fed which will result in more content of the acid called the Conjugated Linoleic. It is said that it is a fatty acid in meats which reduces the bad less-density lipoprotein, which is cholesterol and also prevents cancers. Organic animals are provided with a stress-free environment in order to maintain their health. Though you have to pay more for an organic meat but you will be satisfied that the meat you are eating is very safe than all other meats.

The organic meats have more amount of fat content as compared to conventional meat but that definitely have lesser impurities. It is suggested that pregnant women, children and lactating women should specially have organic meats because they are more sensitive to chemical residues than others. You can also get more information about organic meat online also. You can even order the meat online. But it is recommended that customers should double check the addresses they give. So ordering organic meat online is a very convenient way of buying. offers great deals on organic meat. Get the tastiest natural meat from Niman Ranch. Art Gib is a freelance writer.

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